Art Projectss

Art & Photography



How Coding & Art Intersect

Art and photography taught me how to use the tools and resources that I had creatively in order to express my imagination and vision. A simple idea in art can be expressed in many ways, similar to how there are multiple solutions and approaches to solving problems. Creativity is the ability of making use of the tools and techniques that you know to express an idea, whether it be with colored pencils or through lines of code.

Utilizing various forms of art media (watercolor, pencils, acrylic, etc), my digital camera, and Adobe Photoshop, I developed my creativity skill and ability to pay close attention to details.

With any craft, in order to truly produce effective work, you must have awareness of the decisions you make and put care into every detail of it. Just like coding, where the tiniest combination of characters you type into lines of code can determine whether or not a program will work, in art, the different combination of colors and linestrokes can produce a different feeling even if it just varies by a slight twitch of your hand. For example, just as there are many ways to draw a flower, there are many ways to style your code: indenting with tabs or spaces, putting the curly brackets in the next line or on the same line or defining and initializing a variable in a single line or in two lines.